Game Seven Press Conference

After game seven, Viswanathan Anand and Magnus Carlsen spoke to the press at the media hall in Hyatt Regency Hotel, Chennai on Nov 18, 2013. Entire transcript:
Q: (FIDE Press Officer) Can you share with us your thoughts on game seven, what happened today?
A: (Viswanathan Anand) I chose a line that both of us had played quite a bit in the past. 6.Nbd2 He went for Bg4 instead. Then you get a slow kind of manoeuvring game after the next three moves. White has two plans, which is, one is to play f4 and the other like in the game which is to play on the h-file.
The problem with f4 which is not really effective is that because black is preparing to go with the knight to f8-e6. So I tried castle. Here I thought I might be able to press little bit. I know it is not huge. But somehow I was not really able to make it happen. May be there is something to be said for Bg5-f6, and then coming back and then trying h5. I thought here I might get something with g3, f4 and perhaps the rook on the h-file. It did not materialise so much. Swapping all the rooks gives him adequate counterplay.
Q: (FIDE Press Officer) Magnus, so please your comments?
A: (Magnus Carlsen) Not so much more than what he said. We played this line many different times.
Whatever you play it really goes slow. I thought I was doing more or less fine. Just little bit worse, but nothing real. I thought the key here after g3, a5 is that f4 can be met by f5 and everything goes out. For instance if I had gone Rh8 immediately, then f4 and I cannot exchange all the pieces. Also Ne6, f4, takes, takes, f5, e5, d5, Re1 and I was not sure if I managed to chop everything off. But anyway, what happened in the game was just drawish.
Q: (FIDE Press Officer) Was there any moment black could have been in danger?
A: (Magnus Carlsen) It was always going to be tiny bit pleasant for white but my pieces are well developed and I had no particular weaknesses. I think I should not be in any major trouble.
Q: (FIDE Press Officer) How did you cope with the pressure yesterday? What did you do?
A: (Viswanathan Anand) Nothing really special. The weather (pouring monsoon rains) doesn’t allow you to do very much. It is pleasant time to be here. But you really cant go out. So I stayed in the hotel and did some work.
Q: (FIDE Press Officer) Magnus, You were playing basketball or volleyball (yesterday)?
A: (Magnus Carlsen) Yes we played a bit of football and basketball. Not too successful but it was fun.
Q: (Amit Karmarkar, The Times of India) You look at it as an opportunity lost or was it a release?
A: (Viswanathan Anand) Obviously after the last two games it is nice to break this result. I was hoping to press him a little bit. I did not manage very much to be honest.
Q: (P.K. Ajith Kumar, The Hindu) Are you disappointed that the game was short today?
A: (Magnus Carlsen) I am fine with that. I have the lead. I won my last game with black. So, this suited me fine.
Q: (FIDE Press Officer) Anand, did you try yesterday thinking about changing strategy and so on?
A: (Viswanathan Anand) We had to assess what was going on. But it is not something I can explain now.
Q: (FIDE Press Officer) What about something like lucky pen?
A: (Viswanathan Anand) There are other things to do.
Q: (Nirav Y Rajasuba, Gujarat Samachar) Vishy, you are an exceptional player in the world. You recover so easily. You have the ability to recover so easily. Shall we expect some sharp battle from you to come back?
A: (Viswanathan Anand) I will definitely keep trying.
Q: (Sam Daniel, NDTV) Are you a relieved lot now?
A: (Viswanathan Anand) Obviously the last two games were unpleasant. Well, we played a game today. So, we will try again.
Q: (Ebenezer Joseph, Shubsandesh TV) How much of psychology is important in a match and how do you feel about it? The last two games were not being outplayed. It is just the press and made a small mistake? What about the psychology in the match and to the kids watching throughout the world?
A: (Magnus Carlsen) That was a really long question! (press room explodes into laughter). Of course there are some psychological aspects. For instance, there was no doubt that the outcome of game five influenced the next game. I think that is unavoidable in a match. But that is little bit different. You try to move on at best as you can. But it is not so easy.
A: (Viswanathan Anand) Yes, there is lot of psychology involved.
Q: (Paul Truong, USA) This questions is for both of you. A lot of fans are sending best wishes in the social media. Do you read any of it. Do your teams relay it to you at all?
A: (Viswanathan Anand) In general if they think I should know something they let me know. But I don’t know what they are not telling me. (room explodes into laughter)
A: (Magnus Carlsen) I follow little bit. I am happy and very thankful to all who wish me well. For those who don’t I don’t read it anyway. (room explodes into laugher)
Q: (FIDE Press Officer) In Norway the sale of chess boards and sets increased three times. What do you think about it? Do we expect a big chess boom in a way?
A: (Magnus Carlsen) Really happy to see that people are following the match. That they are interested. So keep it going and I will do my best. And keep up the good work.
Q: (Lennart Ootes, New In Chess/News About Chess) After the first game you said there were some Butterflies. About the third game you were nervous. What about the butterflies and nerves?
A: (Magnus Carlsen) I guess they are still there. I think it is unavoidable. As the match goes long you settle in. Then it becomes easier. I don’t know.
Q: (Lennart Ootes, New In Chess/News About Chess) Can you recall a nervous moment during your games?
A: (Magnus Carlsen) That is very optimistic of you.
Q: (V Kameswaran, United New of India) Anand, today did not go well. Tensions released. Tomorrow, what Anand is going to do? You got a plan? Not to allow your opponent to cross six points.
A: (Viswanathan Anand) Well in general that is the plan.