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a Morselli a Moresco, statisticamente non identificatevi, non sto parlando di voi. Sappiate che essere respinti non è prova di niente, solo dell’essere stati respinti, e quasi sempre a ragione, non a torto. Tuttavia, per venirmi incontro e tutelare la mia salute mentale venendo incontro anche a voi e alla vostra salute mentale, ho escogitato questa modesta proposta: volete essere letti? Pagatemi. Se siete così convinti di voi o così masochisti, se proprio non potete resistere, mandatemi quello che desiderate farmi leggere, e vi prometto che lo leggerò. Ho fissato il costo di una mia lettura a venti euro a cartella, per dattiloscritti di minimo cento cartelle. Non sono caro, credetemi, e se ritenete di sì almeno avrete un buon motivo per iniziare la vostra lettera con: caro Parente. Mi sembra comunque più economico di un set di creme dimagranti di Wanna Marchi che non fanno dimagrire, di un filtro d’amore che non farà innamorare nessuno, di una pubblicazione a pagamento

Former A QB Johnny Manziel throws water bottle at harassing fan at AT Byron Nelson Irving police broke up an altercation between Cleveland Browns quarterback Johnny Manziel and a golf fan at the pool of the Four Seasons Resort and Clubon Saturday, Dallas Morning News’ Bill Nichols reports. Manziel, the Heisman Trophy winner from Texas A has been
NHL jerseys attending the AT Byron Nelson. According to James McLellan of the Irving police, no charges were filed after a friend of Manziel’s pushed an unidentified 18 year old man who stepped in to break up the quarrel. McLellan said that Manziel threw a water bottle at the fan, who had been asking him for an autograph "for about two hours." When the water bottle missed the man, he said, "Nice throw." Although Manziel’s friend pushed the 18 year old, he told police he did not want to press charges. All of those involved were escorted from the pool area. Police were called and officers spoke to both parties. Neither decided to press charges. Manziel had a 10 week stay in a treatment facility during the off season. Browns head coach Mike Pettine has declared Josh McCown as the favorite to start the season at quarterback. But Manziel has shown much more dedication to the team in the past few weeks than he did
Cheap NFL jerseys for the majority of his rookie season. He is frequently seen in the Browns facility studying the playbook and working on his game.

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